115 x 80 x 30 mm | Gift set of 24 cards with timber display stand
Sometimes you can't help yourself. You see or hear something so silly, so absurd, so, well, dumb that it causes you to shake your head in wonder that the culprit has a licence to do anything.
In short, stupidity reveals your inner vixen. There's nothing better than laughing at the foolishness of others. Care factor Zero gives you 24 reckless messages so ludicrous; you'll laugh, cry and snort all at the same time.
Little Defamations packs feature 24 suggestions for daily usage of some seriously naughty words.
Defamations are not meant to offend or inflame.
They merely recognise the fact we can't all be sweetness and light all of the time.
The perfect gift for friends and family who don't take life too seriously.
115 x 80 x 30 mm | Gift set of 24 cards with timber display stand | Funny Quote Cards
Nothing is under control and that’s okay. Just take a chill pill and use these 24 quotations of sarcasm and snarkiness to get you through the chaos.
There's nothing better than a beautifully shaped box filled with sweet naughtiness. Little Defamations are the perfect gift for adults of all ages.
Each themed pack is filled with 24 juicy messages that will defame, demean and delight. To make sure they remain erect at all times (unlike some things) the box comes complete with a wooden display stand.
Whack them beside your bed, in the dunny or the lounge room and discover that inappropriate thoughts are the perfect elixir for everything.
These Little Defamations are designed in our Defamations studio in Bellingen, Australia and are printed using eco-friendly paper.
115 x 80 x 30 mm | Gift set of 24 cards with timber display stand
Happy Straya Day. Yep, we have our own lingo down under.
Fair dinkum! If ya got red hair, we call you blue.
It's just the way we work. So, if you want to talk like a "Hemsworth", this is exactly what you need in your backpack.
This ripping sky red (lol) box is stuffed with 24 classic Aussie slang; Crikey, before you can say, "Stone the bloody crows", you'll be yakking away in fluent 'Strine'.
Little Defamations packs feature 24 suggestions for daily usage of some seriously naughty words.
Defamations are not meant to offend or inflame.
They merely recognise the fact we can't all be sweetness and light all of the time.
The perfect gift for friends and family who don't take life too seriously.
115 x 80 x 30 mm | Gift set of 24 cards with timber display stand
What the Fuck? has 24 messages for the Mondays in your life.
Little Defamations packs feature 24 suggestions for daily usage of some seriously naughty words.
Defamations are not meant to offend or inflame.
They merely recognise the fact we can't all be sweetness and light all of the time.
The perfect gift for friends and family who don't take life too seriously.